
We provide insulation services for commercial, industrial, and residential buildings. At the start of each project, a respectful Diversified Insulation representative will review your current insulation, or lack thereof, and provide you with a cost-effective solution for your needs. The solution will help insulate your building and/or equipment with the highest r-value to reduce the escape of energy. Proper insulation will cut your energy costs as well as the wear and tear on your equipment (i.e. boilers, furnaces, chillers, air conditioning, etc.).

The insulation materials that we use include:

  • Fiberglass
  • Mineral Wool
  • Cellulose
  • Polystyrene
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyethylene
  • and More


Attics are a main area of concern when it comes to heat loss in a building. The first step of insulating your attic is to ensure that it is air sealed. Due to the harsh winters here in the Midwest, it is recommended that you have sufficient insulation for at least the equivalent of R-30 and some even recommend up to R-60 depending on your heating source and other factors related to the structure of your attic. The type and amount of insulation for your attic will also depend on whether it is finished and included with the conditioned part of your home. Loose-fill (blown-in), batt, or spray foam insulation are usually best for insulating attics depending on the current insulation and structure.


Finished and unfinished basements should be insulated to prevent heat loss. If your furnace, water heater or other heat source is in your basement then insulation will help include it in the conditioned portion of your home which will require less energy to heat air or water. Interior insulation is the most cost effective means for insulating an existing foundation. Basement moisture is a factor when deciding on the proper insulation material to use as this can reduce the lifetime and effectiveness of the insulation. Spray foam insulation does not retain moisture as some other insulation materials do.


Boilers require a large amount of energy to heat water. That water then loses heat as it travels through the piping throughout your facility. Adding jackets or other insulation to the boiler itself as well as the pipes leading from it will decrease the heat loss and increase the efficiency of your boiler system.


Ducts that are carrying warm air lose some of their energy through the duct walls as it passes through your building. When constructing a new facility or residence, plan ahead by placing ducts within the conditioned space so as to minimize energy loss. If your existing ducts are in an unconditioned area, insulating them will help increase the effectiveness of your heating or cooling system.


Without proper insulation, pipes are vulnerable to freezing temperatures which can cause them to burst. A burst pipe can lead to several problems including flooding in your home or building and possible electrical problems as well. Another form of insulation for piping is insulating hot water pipes to help prevent the loss of energy out of these pipes. There are several types of insulation including fiberglass, polyethylene, and rigid foam, to choose from depending on the location of a pipe.


Insulation in walls not only prevents heat loss, but can also provide a sound barrier from outside or from the next room. Depending on the location of a wall in your home or building, there are different types of insulation to choose from, including spray foam and fiberglass. If you are in the design phase of planning your new home or building, ensure that the insulation that is chosen will meet or exceed local standards. This will help reduce the need to add more insulation after construction which will lead to higher costs.

Boilers and Piping InsulationIndustrial Piping Insulation

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(262) 321-4677

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